SNL Needs A New Will Farrell Along With New + True Music Artists!

I suppose I could be considered truly optimistic because even after Kristin Wiig (whom I consider the most talented female in the history of both SNL & comedy in general with the great Gilda Radner in a close second) left the show at the end of last year with a very poignant moment that had her dancing with everyone in the cast and ending up in a slow waltz with Lorne Michaels and both fighting back tears, I still check in weekly just like I have since I was 6 years old, watching Adam Sandler, Chris Farley & David Spade rock it as the last truly great ensemble cast.

Oh boy, I really butchered that last “paragraph,” my gifted & honors English Teacher would be so upset with me. But, they always pushed me to never hold anything back and whenever I get on a roll writing about something I feel extremely passionate about, I just hope that all of my great fans will feel
The excitement as I throw caution (and Grammar) to the wind. I never use spell check because I have confidence in both my education and the firm grasp I
Hold on the English language with. Now punctuation, especially the extremely confusing semi-colon, that is a whole different story. I am also writing on my iPhone which shows how much I not only love to write, but also how much I appreciate my readers and fans of my music or video work that email or tweet me to conjure something up considering how busy I have been.

I might need to change the title of this blog entry because the rant I was going to go off on regarding the bad shape that SNL is in these days along with a music industry that has Macklemore & Ryan Lewis holding the #1 Spot on the Billboard Charts for longer than I’ve been traveling (almost two months). Macklemore played SNL last night & I am convinced he is the next Vanilla Ice, because it doesn’t take a true music geek, writer, producer & artist to see that everyone on stage for both songs last night was lip-syncing and in my opinion, there is NO EXCUSE For That! If you cannot perform the song live, than you should have the decency to turn Saturday Night


Down! They are close to my age, in their late 20’s or so, so I know that they remember Ashley Simpson getting caught lip-syncing and watching her extremely successful music career burn out overnight, but it was beyond awful & Ryan Lewis who is apparently just a “producer” who stands around onstage and lip-syncs to the lip-syncing couldn’t even get the Pre-recorded levels right, so after every hook that each unique vocalist “sang” in both songs, Mackemore’s voice was at about 42% of their level and you couldn’t even hear what he was “singing.” Oh well, that just gives me more hope in my dreams of one day performing on SNL & I will not disappoint, that is a promise!

So, considering I am only 4 hours away from home after a 14 hour day of driving, I have convinced myself to write a Blog on my iPhone after checking out the Job situation in the greater Tampa Bay Area & to my surprise, there were around 8 jobs for Creative Writers, Social Media & Video Production with one in particular that has me extremely excited. Of course, there are always positions on Craigslist that sound great and I apply to around 5 a day and I am lucky to hear back from 1 of them months down the road. I applied to about 42 jobs over a week span at the beginning of the year and I actually got 4 callbacks last week which was pretty amazing, I have interviews setup with them later in the week, but I am going to crash here very soon so that I can get home early and get to work on my Debut Album, try and finish my goal of 10 pages in my Screenplay and than maybe check out some of these companies that have me genuinely excited to be going back to my house, Chandel & Jonsi (the coolest cat ever!)

Sooooo.. I apologize for the rant, but you guys are the coolest because you love my style in writing, music or film were I don’t try to be anybody but myself and to bring everything full circle here: SNL needs a fresh face like Kristin Wiig or Le’ Great Will Farrell who also DO NOT Care What Anybody Thinks Of Them & just let lose every week because the show is really getting bad & it was already bad before Kristin & Andy Samberg, who with Lonely Island always guaranteed at least a few minutes of laughter with their SNL Digital Shorts! My best friend always tells me that I need to go up to NYC & tryout for SNL because I can be a true goofball if I want to, but I have enough dreams already!!

And there is John Lennon in my mind, singing: “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one..”

Oh John, what I would give to still have you around and to see what you would have done with technology and your amazing gift as an artist and as a leader that so many looked up to, so much so that the FBI was literally listening to his phone conversations and following him around.

Jeez Louise, I’m SOOoooo Tired!! No Todd; Not Now!!!

Did that semi-colon work?! Do they ever work?!! Can anyone tell me what movie the six words after Jeez Louise is from?!! Hint: The Actor who said it was talked about in the extremely misleading title to this very sleepy blog entry!

Thank you for reading!

I will be home tomorrow & will get back to regular Blogging, Music, Film & maybe a new Podcast!

Thanks again, my amazing core of fans will not be forgotten when I get my BiG SHOT & I will let any & every single one of you that wants to help me go on to create the most ambitious Charity Movement in the history of the world! We will focus on our Home Soil for starters!!

All my thoughts!

Say a prayer that one of these amazing creative jobs gives me a call ladies & gents!!
