Man, I Sometimes Have To Wonder Just How Insane I Really Am..

They threw my crazy ass in Gifted in 1st Grade & while moving at least every year from age 3-9, it didn’t matter which State, School or Age I was, at each and every stop, whether Mrs. Gibson in 1st Grade in Palatka, FL~ Mrs. Brock in 2nd Grade in Peoria, IL~ Miss Tilton in 3rd Grade in Chicago, IL~ Mrs. Stevens in 4th Grade in New Port Richey, FL where I finally settled down & eventually read the news every morning as the President of Cypress Elementary when I made the decision to stay at the Regular School with my first Crush: Jillian Krull & my best friend at the time: Nick Bohanan, each year & each stop, they brought me into a conference with my Mom and than we had to go to a place where they gave me bizarre puzzles and mazes and really strange questions & each time, I scored well over the 142 or whatever it is that you are deemed “Gifted.” It’s weird though because being Gifted or having an I.Q has nothing to do with knowing all the States in the Country or how many Countries there are in the World. It has nothing to do with Spelling Great or being able to multiply 42X121 in 4.2 Seconds at the age of 8~ It’s hard to describe the testing & it’s even hard for me to understand what the hell is going on.. I passed all of the tests and my Gifted teacher in 10th grade pulled me and 2 girls into her room and told us that she was obligated to inform us that our Tests & Scores for our Year End Tests to measure our I.Q’s had to be delivered to the F.B.I & she didn’t really have to explain that part of it to me and that’s where this Blog comes full circle. People with extremely high I.Q’s can be EXTREMELY Dangerous if they have a couple of screws far beyond loose and than a couple of wires dangling & sparkling right next to the water that makes up most of our brain and bodies. But, anyways.. Ted Bundy for instance had a very high I.Q, Charles Manson was actually quite brilliant, but the FBI + Gov’t Needs To Know About the 2 or 3 kids in every county that for some reason or another have I.Q’s on Par or a Little Better than Albert Einstein. My I.Q always clocked in at 164 which is 1 or 2 better than the Great Albert Einstein. But, like I said in the beginning, am I crazy?! Are Artists Who Believe That The Words That They Write, The Music That They Make, The Movies That They Write The Screenplay To, The Films That They Direct, Etc. Are They Insane?!! Or is the world a little fucked up because we tell them they are brilliant & geniuses?!! It’s gotten to a point now where Honey Boo Boo is FN Ratings Gold. That Family makes more money in one season than me & my fiancés entire families will make throughout the whole year of working. I could go on forever & ever, but NOBODY Reads My Blogs & it they do, they don’t take a couple of seconds to write a comment whether if its: “Well Done Sir” or “Go Fuck Yourself!!!” Both are absolutely fine. Mark my words, I will end up extremely successful with Blogging, Music, Filmmaking, Writing, Photography & Dare I Say It: I Might For The Hell Of It Get Involved In Politics & See How Corrupt Things Are & See If I Can Help Turn The City I Grew Up In Into A City That Deserves So Much MORe!!!!!! Time Will Tell. Debut Album First ~ First Film Next, But I Think Im Going To Put That On Hold While I Start Getting My Name Around With A PODCAST!! Stay Tuned & BIG Things Are On Their Way.. I Can Feel It!!!